Thursday 21 April 2011


Great Opportunity !!!

                                          My name is G.Sridhar ,Visakhapatnam, INDIA. please click below add

My email ID :, mobile : 9948677425

I am a Gold Member of the Club-Asteria since 8 April, 2011.

It is a Great Opportunity for us to earn a steady income Every Week !! 

This Is Not MLM / Joining People Scheme / Net Work Marketing.
This Club (Club-Asteria) wants Share Holders ( Paid Members) and it will share the revenue on the shares we purchased. 
It is a totally a risk-free issue, 100% genuine and you can take advantage of it. 
We need to pay Rs.1000/- or $20 (for Gold Membership of Club-Asteria) every month. Because of the revenue sharing every week, our revenue will cross the Gold Membership fee of Rs.1000/- within 5 to 6 months !!!  It means, we will get a revenue of more than Rs.1000/- from 7th month onwards !!! The revenue will grow increasing every week (due to Repurchase of Shares) !!!!!  
We will get the revenue share with an increase of 7% approximately, per week !!!  (As of now, we have received 7% or above Profits per week).   It may vary.
You may get 200 USD or equivalent Rs.10,000 (per month) from 17th month onwards, you may get 400 USD or equivalent Rs.20,000 (per month) from 20th month onwards, 1000 USD or equivalent Rs: 46,000/- (per month) from 23rd month onwards, and you can get the same Rs.46,000/- (per month) every month !!!!!!!!!  Yes, it is.
Requirements (for uploading) :
1. A scanned copy (softcopy) of passport size photograph
2. A scanned copy (softcopy) of Photo ID Card (may be Election Card, PAN Card, etc.) (the Photo side is enough)
We require to sign up for :
  1. A good email, ie. Gmail
  2. An online money processor, ie. May be Alertpay and
  3. Finally, our Club-Asteria.
Sign up procedure :
For the membership of club-asteria, (1) email Account, and (2) Online Money Processor (i.e., Alertpay or Solidtrustpay or Cashx) Account are required.
I.      For email, it is preferred to have a Gmail account. If you are already having Gmail account, use it for club-asteria purpose. If you do not have, open a new Gmail account by clicking this link .  Opening a new Gmail ID exclusively for Club-asteria is also a good idea.
        ( This Gmail account can be used to open Alertpay account also ).
II.     As said above, you require an account in Alertpay or Solidtrustpay (online money processors) also for online money transactions of CLUB-ASTERIA
1. Sign-up for an account in OR It is better to go for Alertpay account.
Click and signup for a Personal Starter Account in the prescribed format provided by the Alertpay website.
2.     You please get your account verified by giving your mobile number through the links My AccountProfileVerification in the Website (after login to your Alertpay account).
Important :
For purchasing of anything online (i.e., through websites), including the Gold Membership of Club-Asteria, we must have funds in our Alertpay account (or any other online money processor account). So, add Credit Card ( or Bank Account – in case of very few online Foreign Banks) to your Alertpay Account. Or sometimes, some of our Senior Colleagues are arranging the required fund by “FUND TRANSFER” to your Alertpay Account.
III.    Now, Open an account in CLUB-ASTERIA by clicking the below given link:   (all the details are explained in the website).  A referral link is required for signing up to Club-Asteria.  The given below is my referral link.  OK.  Click on the Link.
        ( If the link is not activated, Copy and Paste it in your Browser )
After clicking the link, one website will be opened. In that website :
1.     Click the 'Join' button. One Page will be opened.  Again click “click here to join” in the new Page.  Club-asteria join format will be opened with the referrer’s name.
2.     Fill the details in the form correctly.
3.     Click the ‘Submit’ button. 
4.     Please click ‘login’ button, your account in Club-Asteria Website will be opened.
        Click “News” Link and read  all the "News" one by one, which is Flashing red   & green.
5.     After reading all the news items, Click ‘Edit Profile’ Link.  Complete / fill-up your Profile from 'Edit Profile' Link. In this system, one verification procedure is there. For this verification, you have to Upload your Government Photo Identity Card ( Scanned soft copy of Voter Id or Pan Card or Passport, etc). Upload your Photo ID. (Photoside is enough).
In the Edit Profile, set 80% in ‘Automatic Repurchase’, below that, click ‘Yes’ and click “Submit”.
6.    In “My Account” page, upload your Photo by clicking ‘change your picture’.  Enter your Alertpay Email Id ( i.e., the same Gmail ID used for Alertpay Account ) by clicking AlertpayAlready Account area in My Account and click Submit.
7.     In My Account area,  Change your picture Box is there.  You can upload a scanned passport size photograph here. 
By now, you have become a Free Member in Club-Asteria.
For faster growth, quick and high revenue earnings, you can upgrade to Gold Membership
IV.    How to Upgrade to Gold Membership :
Now either Add your Credit Card to your Alertpay Account or Get the required fund from other Alertpay Account, through Fund Transfer.  It means, Your Alertpay Account balance must be $20 (USD) for payment of the Gold Membership monthly subscription.
(In place of a Credit Card, we can use Global Debit Card issued by the Banks, for example, at present Canara Bank is issuing Global Debit Cards)
To become a Gold Member, Login to your Account in Club-asteria, make payment of $20 ($19.95) by clicking “Upgrade Membership” Link from My Account page.   
The Alertpay automatically set the monthly subscription and send the same amount $19.95 to Club-Asteria every month on the same date.
In this Club-Asteria, the Revenue is shared on weekly basis !!!   On Thursdays !
For receiving the Passive income, the only JOB WE HAVE TO DO is read the news regularly and taking your weekly payouts !!!
  1. Referring new persons to this Club-Asteria is not compulsory. You can earn abundantly (passive income) without referring anybody.  But, if you refer a few of your friends, it is very much beneficial to you and you can earn $9 every month on your referred persons. 

For example, if you refer 10 persons, all gold members, paying their membership fee monthly, i.e., $19.95, you will get $90 every month as your referral income !!!
A person can refer any number of persons ! So, there is no limit of referral income !!!
For more information, and Sign-up, please Click :
You can view my webpage at : 
Please visit the Website of Ms.Andrea Lucas, PMD, MBA, CPA, CMC,  Former Director of the World Bank, published author and mentor,  founder and Managing Director of Club-Asteria at : 

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